Serving within the church and in your community is a way that you can express your love and thanks for all that God has done for you.

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25


Serve at Church

Serving is one of the ways that you can express your love and thanks to God. In addition, it is a great way to meet people and become connected with others who share your interest. As you invest in your church family with your time and talents, church becomes more than a building, but truly a place you can call home.

We can find a place for you that fits your schedule and skills. To get started click on the link below to fill out a volunteer form. The form will give us insight into the time you are looking to invest as well as your interests.


Serve the Community

We are committed to respond to Christ’s call to serve those who are in need. When we serve, we demonstrate the love of Christ and in the process, become more like Christ. By investing time and talents you become part of the solution to the pressing needs in your community.

We aim to offer regular opportunities for the church to be actively serving the community by coordinating “Serve Days” such as facility and or park maintenance and clean-up, food bank volunteering, and projects that help those in time of crisis. We also host many Community Drives throughout the year including drives for school supplies, Christmas toys, baby supplies, school lunches, Thanksgiving meals, socks, and even blood drives through NW Bloodworks.