“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

What’s your next step?


Follow Jesus

In a world that revers leadership, who wants to be a “follower”? We believe it really depends on who you’re following. Following Jesus means believing He is who He said He is, and joining in the pursuit of becoming more like Him. If you are on a journey of discovering who Jesus is and asking questions like; “Who is God?” and “Who am I and what is my purpose?”, start here!


Read the Word

If you have decided to follow Christ one of the most important things you need to do is get a Bible and start reading! Even if you haven't decided to follow Christ, reading a Bible is a great way to learn about the Christian faith. Whether you open a physical Bible, a Bible app, or an online Bible, it is important to be in God's Word daily! Find more Bible resources here.


Get Baptized

Life is filled with big decisions. Some are so exciting we can't wait to celebrate them. Some are so challenging that we know we'll need help to follow through. Water Baptism is about both celebrating with others, and inviting them to be a part of your spiritual journey. Read more about water baptism here.


Join a Group

The author of Hebrews instructs us to "encourage one another daily" and "not to give up meeting together". Life groups are one of the greatest ways to help us grow spiritually and follow Christ's example more closely. Life Groups are simply small groups of people that meet together regularly to to study God’s word and discuss it’s application to their lives. Find more information on Life Groups here.


Start Serving

Serving is one of the ways that you can express your love and thanks for all the things God has done for you. In addition, it is a great way to meet people and become connected with others who share your interest. As you invest in your church family with your time and talents, church becomes more than a building, but truly a place you can call home. Let us help you find a place to try out serving!



The concept we know as “church” originated in the Bible. It was God’s idea. The concept was to gather together to love, grow in, and serve God and others. We believe that the local church is still the vital core of this effective ministry. If you have chosen The Church at Maltby | Monroe as your community of believers, we encourage you to partner with us by becoming a member. Let us know if you'd like more information about becoming a member.